Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board: Steve Bevington, Stephan Hearn, Sally Hoyt, Stefan Klakovich (Chair), Julie McClintock, Chad Pickens, Phil Post, Pamela Schultz (Vice Chair), Mary Stowe, Ed Harrison (Council Liaison)
1. Call to order
2. Introductions
3. Announcements
4. Petitions/Concerns from residents*
5. Approval of October 3, 2017 meeting notes
1. Staff presentation of “Top 10 list” - stormwater program accomplishments
2. Discussion of the Chapel Hill High School concept plan and what stormwater features can be showcased
3. LUMO re-write project. How can the board members become involved?
4. Guidelines for remote participation in stormwater meetings
5. Agenda item ideas for next meeting
6. Updates
• Eastwood lake subwatershed study
• OWASA circular
Next Meeting is Tuesday, November 28, 2017.
* A person may speak for three minutes. He/she is invited to stay but does not participate in the discussion; the Board may discuss for 10 minutes and ask questions of the petitioner. The Board/Staff will follow up with the petitioner at a future date.
PUBLIC CHARGE: The Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board pledges its respect to the citizens of Chapel Hill. The Board asks its citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and with fellow citizens. Should any Board member or any citizen fail to observe this public charge at any time, the Chair will ask the offending person to leave the meeting until that individual regains personal control. Should decorum fail to be restored, the chair will recess the meeting until a genuine commitment to this public charge is observed.
Learn more about the Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board