EZRAC Agenda Items September 14th ,2022
Interim Assistant Operations Manager – Melissa Patrick
EZRAC Initiatives
1. Trapeze updates are moving forward, working out some issues with the system
2. Fixed Route- T Route back in service started on Monday 9/12/22, FCX Tripper that runs from 3pm-6pm to catch overloads
3. September -Helen and Kim report on experience with the EZ Rider Partners meeting from Aug 25 (*The EZ Rider Advisory Committee (*EZRAC) is a subcommittee of the Chapel Hill Transit Public Transit Committee (Partners). Brief review / reactions to Stakeholders Meeting from 8-25-22
4. What kind of preventative maintenance or inspection is done on the van wheelchair lifts? Have we had any issues with someone getting stuck in the van? Do we have a contingency plan if there is a problem with a lift while someone is inside?
5. In the absence of Mark Rodgers, I have officially been appointed to the Interim Assistant Operations Manager of Demand Response.