The Orange County HOME Consortium will meet on Thursday, March 5, 2015; 11:00am-1:00pm, to review applications received and develop a program plan.
The HOME Program is authorized by the Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act and is administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HOME Program provides grants to state and local governments to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership, or to provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. HOME is the largest Federal block grant designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income peoples.
In 1992, the Orange County HOME Consortium was established as a local partnership to develop affordable housing throughout Orange County. Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough formed the Orange County HOME Consortium, with Orange County acting as the lead entity. For more information about the HOME program, visit the Federal HOME website.
Each spring, the Orange County HOME Consortium allocates HOME funding to organizations which work with affordable housing and/or rental assistance for low-income peoples. These allocation decisions are guided by the 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan which is a document that provides information concerning how the Orange County HOME Consortium plans to address certain important housing and community development needs of its low- and moderate- income residents during the next five years.