Town of Chapel Hill, NC
Home MenuStrategic and Financial Plan
Strategic and Financial Study Overview
The overall objective of the Strategic and Financial Plan is for Chapel Hill Transit (CHT) to develop a strategic plan to guide future system growth, development and investment. Doing this requires taking stock of existing resources, articulating agency strengths and weaknesses and considering the how CHT has grown and succeeded as well as ways that the agency has been less successful. Developing a strategic plan also involves evaluating different opportunities for positioning the agency for future growth and development, including different options for investment. A critical part of the strategic planning process, therefore, will involve evaluating if choices are consistent with community goals as well as understanding trade-offs associated with different actions. The planning process will be informed by a stakeholder and public (customer) outreach effort and adopted plans (e.g. Chapel Hill 2020 Comprehensive Plan, Carrboro Vision 2020, UNC Development Plans, etc.). Once CHT’s future direction is determined, the Strategic and Financial Plan will focus on identifying the staffing and organizational resources and funding required to realize CHT’s vision.
Study Documents
This document was produced by the consultant selected to assist CHT with this project, Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. to describe the work they are currently tasked with performing. Additional documents will be added as work on the project moves forward.
Upcoming Events
Chapel Hill Transit invites public participation in developing a strategic and financial plan to guide growth, development and investment for the transit system. Two identical public workshops are scheduled:
• Thursday, March 6, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.—Carrboro Town Hall (Board Room)
• Monday, March 10, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.—Chapel Hill Public Library (Meeting Room A)
The meetings will be structured in an open house format with small group discussions. Attendees will be able to view exhibits and provide feedback between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Presentations will be made at 4:45 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. for a plan overview and next steps.
Project Consultant
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. is an internationally recognized firm committed to developing transportation systems that promote vibrant, sustainable, and accessible communities. Nelson\Nygaard recognizes that transportation is not an end by itself but a platform for achieving broader community goals of mobility, equity, economic development, and healthy living. Founded by two women in 1987, Nelson\Nygaard has grown from its roots in transit planning to a full-service, award-winning transportation firm with offices across the United States.